Slovakia provides good quality health care. Every village has a health centre and there is at least one hospital in every city and several health centres. Highly specialized hospitals are situated e.g. in Bratislava, Martin, Banska Bystrica and Košice. Emergency operates in every hospital open from afternoon till morning and at weekends 24 hours. Emergency medical service is operational 24 hours 7 days a week.
Emergency phone numbers: 155 and 112
Health care in Slovakia is financed by health insurance. Health insurance in Slovakia is obligatory and shall be paid by every citizen of Slovakia. The insurance fee is deducted from the wages. Medical insurance for children, the disabled and women on maternity leave is paid by the state. Some medical treatments such as plastic surgery or sterilization are paid by patients themselves. Medical treatments for administrative purposes are also paid by the patients. Price lists can be found in every health centre. Dental treatment in Slovakia is usually not fully covered by health insurance and many dentists in Slovakia do not have contracts with health insurance companies. In this case, patient covers the full treatment himself. Operations and hospital treatments in Slovakia are also covered from the health insurance. Most medications are partially covered by the insurance; some medications are even fully covered while others are only available full payment. Antibiotics and many other pills are only available on doctoral prescription.
Emergency care patients costs 60 SKK (1,99 EUR). European Union citizens must have valid European Health Insurance Card. Medical treatment for other foreigners is available for direct payment. Opening hours for health centres are usually from 7.30 am till 3 pm, but can vary. There are these types of first contact doctors in Slovakia: general doctors for children or paediatricians, general doctors for adults, gynaecologists, dentists and specialists.
Medications are sold in pharmacies. There is a pharmacy in almost every village and several pharmacies in every town or city in Slovakia. The pharmacies in Slovakia have good stock of medications and drugs. Pharmacies are usually open from 7.30 am till 4 pm. There is a pharmacy on duty in every city. The name and address of the pharmacy on duty can be found on the door of every pharmacy.
Faculty Hospital Bratislava:
Kramáre - Ľ. Dérera, 5 Limbova street, 02/ 59541 111
Ružinov - 6 Ružinovská street, 02/4823411
Staré mesto – 13 Mickiewiczova street, 02/ 57290 111
Petržalka - Sv. Cyrila a Metoda, 11 Antolská street, 02/ 68671 111
Children's Faculty Hospital, Kramáre, 1 Limbová street, tel. 02/59371111
National Oncological Institute – 1 Klenová street, 02/59378 111
The National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, 1 Pod krásnou hôrkou, Kramáre, tel. 02 59320111
Military Hospital: 1 Cesta na Červený most, tel. 02/59351216
Children's Faculty Hospital, 048/4726511, Banská Bystrica
Faculty Hospital L. Pasteura, 43 Rastislavova street, 055/6153111, 1 trieda SNP, 055/6402111
Martin Faculty Hospital, Kollárova 2, Martin, 043/4203303