Christmas is in Christian religion proceeded by advent. Advent is the period of waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus. It is the beginning of the Western Christian year. Advent starts on Advent Sunday, between 27th November and 3rd December, and lasts for four weeks. Advent ends on 24th December after the sunset. Many churches and many Christians make use of advent wreath during advent with four candles representing each of the four Sundays. Every Sunday one candle is lit. Children receive Advent calendar and open one calendar window with chocolate every day. During the advent period Christians prepare for Penance and coming of Jesus Christ. Christmas tree is decorated a few days before Christmas.
Christmas celebrations start on Christmas Eve, 24th December, with Christmas dinner and in Catholic Churches with Midnight Mass which begins at midnight or sometimes before midnight. Christians celebrate Christmas with giving gifts to their relatives and friends. The gifts are traditionally placed under the Christmas tree and opened after the Christmas dinner. 25th December is the Christmas Day and is the most important day during Christmas when Masses are given to celebrate birth of Jesus Christ. 26th December is St Stephen’s Day. 6th January – Epiphany is the official end of Christmas period.
Easter is in the biggest holiday in Christian religion. Easter starts sometimes between late March and late April each year. The date is not fixed and varies every year following the cycle of the moon. You can find Easter period in every calendar in Slovakia. Easter is proceeded by Lent, forty-day liturgical season of fasting and prayer.
Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday until Holy Saturday. Six Sundays in Lent are not counted among the forty days. The purpose of Lent is the preparation through prayer, penitence, and self-denial.
Easter starts on Good Friday. There is no Mass on Good Friday , in Churches Christians commemorate the Crucifixion and death of Christ. The celebration of Christ’s Resurrection starts on Holy Saturday with bell ringing and lasts till Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday is also the beginning of Christmas season which lasts till Pentecost, seven weeks after.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday is observed by fasting and abstinence of meat. Catholics from age of 18 – 59 are permitted to have only one full meal.